Palm Pom Babies
Pomeranian Puppies for Sale in Missouri
Pomeranian puppies from Missouri that are healthy, happy, and well socialized. Start the journey to bring your new family member home today, fill out the contact form or just give me a call.
You Had Me a Woof
Hi, my name is Jann, I want to tell you a little bit about me and my Pomeranians. I live in a small town in northwest Missouri. I am not a "breeder" in the regular definition of the word. I do not use breeder speak or treat my kids like they are live stock, they are my kids. They ALL live in my home with me. I have said on many occasions that my home is an over sized dog house, and I am their live in maid, but I would not have it any other way. We all play inside and out, we play tug, and catch, and just run around. Each kid has certain things they like to do with me and I try to make a point to play with each of them every day, no matter my schedule.
About Me

Hallmark Puppies
I was contacted by a team member of a photographer for Purina. After submitting some pictures and video Lynkin Boyd has been selected as a finalist for a new photo campaign they are doing. I cannot express how excited I am for Lynkin and how proud I am! The photo shoot will be Monday March 6, 2023 in St. Louis. They will not be making any decisions that day, I am sure it will be several months. Of course if they approve pictures for me to put on my website I will share them with you. Wish Lynkin luck!
Big News!
Contact Us
For immediate help please reach out directly.
Phone: 660-533-2229 Email: palmpombabies@yahoo.com